Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
The SEND team at Yeovil College aims to ensure that the principles within the SEND reforms are met across the College campus.
We set out to ensure that:
- Young people and their families are central to the of discussions around the support we provide;
- The support offered takes into account young people’s health, care and educational needs as set out in their EHCP or as assessed elsewhere;
- Person-centred reviews are provided ensuring young people meet their individualised goals and their EHCP outcomes are reviewed effectively;
- We work closely with the young person’s local authority to access all aspects of the services available in the area;
- We focus and prepare young people for adulthood, including employment, independent living or higher level courses.
- The curriculum provides opportunities for students with learning difficulties to progress and achieve towards their preparation to adulthood.
Click here to see our Supporting Young People PDF/PowerPoint
We are delighted to introduce the fabulous YC SEND Team – Sophia, Melanie, Kerri, Harriet & Jaz. Our SEND team act as a safety net for students, putting measures in place to ensure that everyone has a positive experience at College, and that their needs are supported.
Click here to learn more about our SEND team
Annual Review Process Yeovil College
FAQs and Support
A referral to discuss potential additional support can be made at the following stages:
- Pre-entry;
- School referral or Local Authority Referral via an Education, Health and Care Plan;
- Pre-entry identification (during interview);
- Application/enrolments/admissions;
- Parent/carer referral;
- As part of a transition programme.
Our specialist team work closely with schools, specialist providers and external organisations, attending termly, and/or annual reviews, where applicable, to ensure relevant information is identified prior to a student enrolling at the College.
Discussions could include: progression routes, transition programmes and individual support needs.
Once a student has enrolled, referrals can be made through the following:
- Screening assessment;
- Self referral;
- Tutor referral;
- Parent/carer referral.