It’s all about the revision, so let’s get prepared. Here are our top tips:
- Go to bed early and wake up fresh;
- Make a schedule;
- Download an app blocker to stay focused;
- Use post-it notes and flash cards;
- Take plenty of breaks;
- Write checklists;
- Use a highlighter.
“Break it down into bite-sized chunks.”
“Create an acronym to remember key themes.”
“Draw to help you visualise important information.”
“Don’t worry about what others are doing; play your own game.”
“Don’t panic, you’re ready!”
For more advice and support on how to get prepared, click here.
Need help with organising your coursework? Click here.
Collection of A Level results
Our doors will be open at 8am on national A Level results day. We’ll see you in our main reception. Uncollected results will be posted first class to your home address at 2pm.
If you are unable to collect your own result and you would like someone to collect on your behalf, then you are able to leave an authorised letter with the Exams Office.
Vocational results
Vocational qualification results (including BTECs) are released on a rolling basis and are sent out to students as we receive them throughout the summer. Students will receive their certificate through the post to their home address. Please ensure you keep your address details up-to-date.
Replacement certificates
Need a replacement exam certificate?
Exams guidance and regulations
Please make sure that you comply with the following to ensure your exams go as smoothly as possible for you and other students:
- Check the relevant timetable regularly; it is your responsibility to find out when and where your exam is;
- Plan to arrive at least 20 minutes earlier than the published start time;
- Morning exams start at 9:30am unless otherwise stated; afternoon exams start at 2:00pm unless otherwise stated;
- If you are running late, go straight to the exam location, hand in to the invigilator any unauthorised materials – you will be allowed to sit the exam but risk not having this marked by the awarding body depending on the circumstances of your lateness;
- Photographic ID always required; this should be your Yeovil College ID badge;
- Unauthorised materials include:
– any digital/text facility, including mobile phone, smart watches and MP3 player;
– pencil cases unless transparent;
– calculator cases/instruction leaflets;
– correction fluid;
– books/notes unless they are authorised exam texts.
– Only water contained in a transparent bottle is permitted, free from labels; all other drinks will be confiscated; - Yeovil College accepts no responsibility for any candidates’ personal possessions;
- In the event of an emergency, remain calm and await instruction from the invigilator or a member of Exams; please always respect exam conditions otherwise you risk invalidating the exam session, so no talking. The exam clock is always stopped so you will be able to resume your exam as normal once the emergency is over – so long as you have remained under supervision.
Exam re-sits
You are responsible for entering for any re-sits. All re-sits are payable by the student. Please be aware that exam fees are only refundable at the discretion of the Exams Office.
Exam certificates
All academic certificates are posted out using Royal Mail second class post. Certificates are generally released approximately three months after results day. Students are liable for the cost of replacement certificates and are advised to contact the awarding body direct.
Make sure we have your correct postal address. Please let us know if you have moved recently.
Exams office
Need help? The Exams office is based on the ground floor of the LRC – right at the back. Please pop in if you have any queries. The Exams Team’s focus is on your exam entries, any arrangements you require for your exams, and of course making sure you get your results and certificates.