Student Life
Your college journey is more than just studying. At Yeovil College you’ll discover our fabulous facilities, explore our incredible opportunities and share awesome experiences with friends. Whilst on campus you’ll have fun and enjoy life. You’ll embrace independence, make lifelong friends and enjoy a great social scene here on campus.
With such a vibrant community, a huge network of advice and support and dozens of ways to get involved, you soon feel right at home at Yeovil College.
Take a look for yourself.
Your Space
Over the past year Yeovil College has invested a significant amount into its teaching and learning environments, spaces and workshops, which are unrivalled in our local area.
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We are so passionate about helping you achieve your dreams that we have dedicated whole teams of people to provide responsive and flexible support to you. We are here to help students across College who may have needs, issues or challenges of any kind.
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A massive part of College life is getting involved, joining in the fun and meeting new lifelong friends. We’ve made it easy for you to do this and many of the opportunities available will look great on your CV and will support your future career.
A NEW ERA OF SPORTS EXCELLENCE! Yeovil College is dedicated to delivering top-tier sports education, teaching, and learning. We strive to elevate the standards of sport, football, and athletic aspirations within our community. To find out more about Yeovil Institute of Sport click here.
The Yeovil College team is committed to ensuring that our learners are ready for the next steps on their career journey. We work closely with the Heart of the Southwest Careers and Enterprise Company to ensure that we are meeting the eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance.
An Apprenticeship is a real job with real training, which allows an apprentices to earn while they learn, as well as gain a nationally recognised qualification. Apprenticeships will open up a career with prospects of promotion and progression.
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The range of activities are massive! We attend everything from trips to Disneyland, a stop off at the Houses of Parliament, residential trips in ‘capital of culture’ cities to an evening at the theatre or a quick stop off in Europe. Our students absolutely love it!
At Yeovil College, we take our students’ wellbeing seriously. This is why we have partnered with Wisdom to provide a Student Assistance Programme, which is 100% online and available for all of our students to access at any time, for any reason.
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