Safeguarding, Prevent & Fundamental British Values For All Learners 

We strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for all learners at Yeovil College. It is really important that you are familiar with the safeguarding and PREVENT guidance and behave in accordance to it. All students are supported through a robust programme of safeguarding, PREVENT and Fundamental British Values (FBV) tutorials. 

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and applies to all staff, students, volunteers, visitors and contractors. Read our Safeguarding and PREVENT Policy here. 

Policies & Reports – Yeovil College Yeovil College 

Every person who comes into Yeovil College is important to us.  We want to ensure your concerns are listened to and that you feel safe, respected and treated well at all times.

If you are worried or unhappy about something that has happened during your time at College, or in your personal life, we would like to help you. Yeovil College staff are available to speak to you during normal College opening hours.

You may also find our contacts list useful.

All policies including safeguarding are in the policies section.

Safeguarding has a dedicated team of officers, if you have any concerns please contact the Duty Safeguarding Officer between 9am-5pm via 07973898849. If you have any concerns which are out of hours please contact the relevant local authority:
Dorset: 01202 657279
Somerset: 0300 123 2327

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Donna Short

Contact via safeguarding@yeovil.ac.uk (external use only)

As an employer of a learner, we ask for your support in the recognising and
highlighting to Yeovil College any cause for concerns. The following guide will help you.

Wisdom: Student Assistance Programme

We are working with Wisdom to provide an online Student Assistance Programme to our learners. You can access mental health and wellbeing support independently and anonymously. This is a free service available to all Yeovil College and Yeovil College University Centre students.

At Yeovil College, we are dedicated to promoting values which ensure that our learners develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility. We prepare our learners for life in modern Britain by developing an understanding of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

It is our aim that all our learners are able to contribute effectively to the wider community, using the skills and knowledge they have acquired during their time at Yeovil College. As well as being fully engaged in their learning experience, we want them to become responsible individuals who are able to think critically and question appropriately.

Within their study programmes, and as part of their value-added curriculum, learners will have tutorial sessions to ensure that they are given the opportunity to develop the skills and understanding needed to succeed in the wider community.

DRRIFT - Fundamental British Values

At Yeovil College, we promote Fundamental British Values in several ways:

Democracy: Learners develop an understanding of the importance of democracy as a tool for change: class representatives, student governors, student voice, focus groups, MP visits, voter registration days.

Rule of Law: All staff and students are treated fairly. We operate under fair policies and procedures: student code of conduct, disciplinary procedure, appeals process, safeguarding, rules on behaviour, expectations and lanyards, Student Handbook.

Individual Liberty: Our community is free to express themselves. We encourage the values of Freedom of Speech without causing offence or distress to others: LGBTQIA+ society, disciplinary policy, bullying policy, PREVENT, Debating Society.

Mutual Respect, Fairness, Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs: We value and encourage diversity and we respect one another. We will not tolerate prejudice, discrimination or harassment: Multi-faith prayer room, LGBTQIA+ society, disciplinary policy, bullying policy, Prevent, student code of conduct.

Yeovil College is committed to actively recognising and promoting equality and diversity in our college community. We take our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all our learners very seriously through the management of appropriate policies, procedures and practices.

We wish to provide a working and learning environment that acknowledges the richness of diversity, as well as valuing and managing each individual’s equality of opportunity within the College. We oppose all forms of discrimination or victimisation on any grounds such as age, race, disability, pregnancy or maternity, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment or marital status.

Yeovil College operates a truly inclusive culture, and the principle of FREDIE is at the heart of all that we do; we promote and support Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement across out community.

Fairness – Being reasonable, right and just.

Respect – Having due regard for feelings, wishes and rights of others.

Equality – Where every person has equal rights and every person has a fair chance.

Diversity – Diverse means different. We are all different so diversity includes us all. The concept of diversity encompasses understanding, acceptance and respect.

Inclusion – Where every person feels respected, valued and that they fit in with the organisational (College) culture.

Engagement – Two-way commitment and communication between an organisation and its employees – the whole college community.

Prevent is safeguarding, and works in the same way as we safeguard people from, neglect, sexual exploitation, county lines, gangs etc. It is the responsibility of all of us to play our part in safeguarding people from harm. Prevent helps to protect people at risk of being groomed and exploited by harmful extremists which could lead to them harming themselves or others. It is one of the four work strands in the Government’s Counter Terrorism Strategy.

There is no single profile of someone at risk, but some people can be more vulnerable to being exploited. You can spot worrying behaviour at an early stage and help the person to get the support they need to move away from harmful extremism.

Prevent Duty Training – Click here to learn how to support people susceptible to radicalisation

Our safeguarding booklet sets out our values and processes for safeguarding our students and apprentices both in college and in the workplace. You can view our booklet here and watch the induction video below.

Everyone onsite must wear an ID card at all times. This includes contractors and visitors.

Spot checks are regularly carried out to ensure students are visibly wearing their ID badges and lanyard at all times when on campus. All Yeovil College staff are encouraged to challenge anyone not visibly wearing their ID badge/lanyard on campus, these measures are in place for your safety and the safety of our campus.

We no longer offer temporary ID badges. If you lose your ID badge, or you have forgotten it at home, you will need to buy a replacement, which can later be refunded.

To buy a replacement:

  1. Visit the iZone team, at Main Reception in the Hub.
  2. You will be charged £5 through WisePay which needs to be paid within 30 days (payment is not required at Reception).
  3. If you find your original ID, you can return the replacement ID to Reception and the charge will be refunded or written off if not yet paid.

If payment for an ID is not made within 30 days, the student disciplinary process will be followed.

Worried about your child’s mental health?

There are many resources available, both locally and nationally:

2BU – Support service for the LGBTQ+ community in Somerset.

CAMHS Somerset Self-Referral – Self-Referral for CAMHS in Somerset, for students aged 16-17.

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – Mental Health Support.

Dorset CAMHS Self Referral – Self-Referral for CAMHS Dorset, for students aged 16-17.

Kooth – Online support.

Mermaids – For transgender, non-binary and gender diverse support.

Mind, Side by Side – Online community with others who understand what you are going through.

Papyrus – Prevention of young suicide.

Papyrus Hopeline – Contact if you need support or are worried about someone else.

Reach – Dorset drug & alcohol services.

REMPLOY – Mental health support for apprentices.

Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership for All – Mental Health Support.

Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership Men’s – Men’s Mental Health Support.

Somerset and Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support (SARSAS) – Supporting people affected by rape or any kind of sexual assault.

Somerset Big Tent – Helps you to find wellbeing resources for you in Somerset.

Somerset Children & Young People – Health and wellbeing resources, inlcuding those for parents/carers.

Somerset Domestic Abuse – Providing support for all those affected by domestic abuse.

Space Youth Project – Supporting LGBTQ+ Dorset.

Turning Point – Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service. Self-help and advice.

Young Somerset – A range of support including counselling up to age 25.


In the rare event of a terrorist attack, such as weapons or firearms attack, as an open campus, Yeovil College’s strategy is one if ‘Run, hide, tell.’

Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and associated extremist ideologies. It may involve.

  • Extremist material online
  • Public displays of hate and division
  • The adoption of icons and symbolism
  • Promoting of ideologies
  • Traveling to areas of conflict.

Click here to learn more!

Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

An action of threat designed to influence the government or intimidate the public in order to advance a political, religious, or ideological cause.