Developing the skills and knowledge of your workforce is critical for business growth and sustainability. We are a trusted partner, working collaboratively with a little over 400 employers locally and nationally to both understand and address the regional challenges, aspirations and ambitions of our neighbouring organisations. We are perfectly positioned to deliver personalised and bespoke training solutions, working with any size of training budget, aspiration and requirement.
Work Experience & Industry Placements
Yeovil College and its partner employers believe that undertaking work experience and industry placement is an important element of a balanced study programme. We know that students who have been exposed to work placements become confident, well-rounded and work-ready people; an asset to any employer.
Learn MoreApprenticeships
Apprenticeships are for everyone, including your current staff. The apprenticeship programme is a great way to upskill and develop your current workforce, and we offer apprenticeship opportunities from Level 2 through to Degree Apprenticeships.
Learn MoreWorkforce Development and Bespoke Training
Continuously developing the skills and knowledge of your workforce is essential to business success. We are perfectly positioned to train and educate employees of all skills and abilities, in line with a budget to suit your circumstances, ensuring you get the very best output from each and every staff member. One size does not fit all! We pride ourselves on delivering the perfect blend of training and knowledge to meet the exact and specific requirements of your business needs. Whether you’re looking for specialised skills, higher-level knowledge or a refresher course, then we can help. We understand that businesses often require tailored training programmes to address current skill gaps and meet relevant industry standards. As your training partner, we will work closely with you to understand and evaluate your needs and deliver cost-effective recommendations to your business. We’d love to discuss your training needs further. Contact us on 01935 845392 or employerengagement@yeovil.ac.uk.
Learn MoreSafeguarding and Prevent
Our safeguarding booklet sets out our values and processes for safeguarding our students both in college and in the workplace. You can view our booklet here.
Watch our Safeguarding induction video here.
You can also learn more about our Safeguarding and Prevent policies and processes by clicking the button below.
Learn MoreEmployers
Yeovil College works collaboratively with over 400 employers locally & nationally to understand the challenges and aspirations of neighbouring businesses.
Learn MoreCase Studies
Get in touch
For further information about the services we offer or to talk about apprenticeship opportunities, please talk to our Employer Engagement team on 01935 845392 or employerengagement@yeovil.ac.uk
You can find the Yeovil College campus at Mudford Road, Yeovil, Somerset, BA21 4DR.
Follow us on Twitter @YC_Apprentices