Meet The SEND Team

The SEND team at Yeovil College aims to ensure that the principles within the SEND reforms are met across the College campus.


We are delighted to introduce the fabulous YC SEND Team – Sophia, Karen and Melanie. Our SEND team act as a safety net for students, putting measures in place to ensure that everyone has a positive experience at College, and that their needs are supported.

SEND Practitioner Team:
We are fortunate at Yeovil College, to have a small team of talented SEND practitioners, who all carry their own unique experience, and skills sets. The SEND Practitioner Team provide 1:1 interventions, support in class, make themselves available on Teams for student check ins, exam invigilating, personal care and hoisting for some learners, supporting on trips and at SEND events, create a bank of resources and share practice on interventions and supporting learners 1:1. The team gathers information from students and provide updates on the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) notes accordingly, to ensure shared information and practice on supporting the individual learners. The SEND Team are buddies or mentors for each other. The team collates views for EHCP reviews (as and if appropriate) for our Deputy SENDCo. The team are advocates for our EHCP and SEND Learners in College meetings, including fitness to study, disciplinary meetings, and other meetings and processes.


Sophia Dickson


Sophia Dickson


As the SENDCo, I oversee SEND provision across all areas the College, from the moment we receive a consult, liaising with the local authority and on leaner panels; making sure the College and right course provision is sign posted for each learner. Attending internal and external SEND events, liaising with SEND Partners, transition panels, School SENDCos and parents and learners, all helps us to build a good transition picture as a College, for our learners with EHCPS and for those with ALS needs but no EHCP (across all areas of the College). Work with our admissions team is also proving vital in this first point of SEND need identification and support building, for those that have no EHCP, but have SEND/ALS needs. Internal teams and Curriculum Area Manager (CAM) liaison (including the CAM for Foundation Learning and his team) with me as a SENDCo and the SEND team is also key to ensuring the support from the EHCP/ support needed is put in place and evolved and reviewed from the start. Annual reviews also form a key part of the assess-plan-do-review process. Observations of SEND/support practice in liaison with The TLQ Team and linked training (as well as training linked to the provision on the learner Plans/Individual Learner Plans) also strengthens the Assess Plan Do Review cycle.


Melanie Houghton

Deputy SENDCo and EHCP Administrator

Melanie Houghton

Deputy SENDCo and EHCP Administrator

As the Deputy SENDCO, I support the SENDCo to carry out the day-to-day operational activities linked to SEND, SEND Provision and the EHCP reviews / Learner reviews. I ensure parent and learner views are collated and represented in the annual reviews. I chair the annual reviews and make sure they are uploaded onto the SEND portal. I attend internal learner meetings, for those with EHCPs and SEND needs and attend SEND events. I liaise with different Local Authorities and learners’ parents, to ensure good communication and outcomes for our learners in relation to their annual reviews. I also liaise with tutors and Curriculum Area Managers (CAMs) over any issues or support/ actions needed, relating to our EHCP and SEND Learners. I work closely with the administrator in the Foundation Learning team and the Manager of SEND Practitioners, to liaise over training and SEND provision for the Foundation Learning Department and across College SEND Practitioner Team.


Karen Coate

SEND Practitioner Manager

Karen Coate

SEND Practitioner Manager

As SEND Practitioner’s direct line manager, I deal with the deployment and timetabling, which could be 1:1 interventions, 1:1 in class support or small groups. This is done according to the information on the EHCPs and feedback and referrals from education staff during the year. I also manage the day-to-day operational activities of the SEND Practitioners, from recruitment, induction, to general management duties, coaching mentoring and developing wellbeing activities and monthly staff 1:1s. I also oversee and track their CPD, linked to their practice, their appraisals, and aspirations. I also ensure that they feel welcomed, valued, and belong within our small friendly team. I chair and ensure weekly team meetings are carried out. I attend SEND College Events and liaise with the Health and Safety Officer in the Foundation Learning Team.
