Supporting Learners with SEND in Skill Development and Employment Preparation

Our Learning Companies are dedicated to supporting learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in developing a range of skills, confidence, and independence to prepare them for employment. 

Many of our learners currently on placements have been working diligently towards their individual targets and earning their personal development badges. 

We are proud to announce the following achievements: 

  • Ben has recently received his communication, attendance, and confidence badges. 
  • Bradley has recently received his teamwork badge, completing all six of the personal development awards. 
  • Sebastian and Jack, placed within our Facilities department, have both recently received their attendance and teamwork badges. 
  • Logan has recently achieved his attendance badge. 

The Facilities team shared their thoughts on Sebastian and Jack’s progress: 

“I certainly think both Sebastian and Jack have achieved each one of these badges and the whole team agrees. We can see the difference from when they first started. They are always willing and make everyone smile within our office. A huge thank you from us to them both.” 

A massive well done to all our learners for their hard work and dedication. 

To find out more about how Learning Companies support learners at Yeovil College, email iZone@yeovil.ac.uk

YC Winning at Westminster

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Supercharge Your Future Career at Yeovil College’s Apprenticeship & Careers Fair!

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Yeovil College Hosts Event for Parents and Guardians of Young People with EHCP and/or SEND Needs

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