A Levels

A Level English Language (September 2025 Start)

Start Date: 04/09/2025
Start Time: 09:00
End Date: 25/06/2027
End Time: 17:00
Day(s): Monday to Friday
Site: College Main Site


Course Overview

A Level English Language offers you the opportunity to develop subject expertise by engaging creatively and critically with a wide range of texts and discourses. You will create texts, while analysing the texts produced by others. You will explore English both as a medium of communication and as a topic in its own right, with an emphasis on pursuing lines of enquiry, debate different views, and work independently to research aspects of language in use. Language is seen as a creative tool for expression and social connection, as well as for understanding. The study of language as a symbolic system used to assert power in society is also fundamental to the subject.

Qualification Gained

  • GCE A Level in English Language

After The Course

This study programme prepares students for university degree study programmes in Linguistics, English Language, Creative Writing, Speech Therapy, Media and Education. With further training and/or work experience, you can progress to a range of careers in sectors such as Teaching, Journalism, Marketing or Speech Therapy.

What Will I Learn

Topics covered include: Language and Society: How speakers' membership of social groups, such as gender and class, effects their use of language; Child Language Acquisition how young children acquire and develop language skills both speaking and writing; Language development: How the English Language has developed over time and how and why it is still changing today and Language discourses: You will learn to analyse and write your own journalistic articles about language issues and debates.

Our Lecturers

The course is taught by well qualified and experienced lectures who are dedicated to ensuring student success through effective curriculum delivery and high-quality pastoral support. The team includes staff with relevant sector expertise.

Teaching Learning and Assessment

Variety of delivery methods including classroom activities, professional discussions, digitally-enabled activity, presentations and directed study.


As a student, you will have weekly tutorials that are used for one to one support, progress updates, employability skills and preparation for University.

How Will I Be Assessed

Your knowledge and skill is assessed through a coursework folder containing Original Writing and a Language Investigation into a topic of your choice (20%) and two exam papers which include unseen text analysis and journalistic writing tasks as well as essay questions (80%).

Entry Requirements

  • You need five GCSEs at grade 9 - 4, including grade 9 - 5 in English.
  • You should also enjoy both creative writing and the analysis of language in use.

Required Experience

No specific experience is required for this course but a keen interest in English Language is essential.

How To Apply

Clicking "Apply" will add the A Level programme to your list of interested courses. During the checkout process you will be able to select the A Level subjects you would like to study.
